










Through the dynamic multiplicity of the world, a hope for mutual co-becoming emerges

In its ideal disposition, nature constantly creates, and alongside of this dynamic tumult the humanities themselves becomes become plural and multi-faceted. In the beginning, humanity and the myriad of things co-existed together under one vaulted universe and on one great earth. We were all one family, with our fate bound together. While nature produced innumerable contests for survival, and humanity was certainly not without conflict and contradictions, natural competition rarely saw a winner take all scenario. The conflicts of humanity, on the other hand, often become a zero sum game.

The path of mutual co-existence (which could also be translated as mutual becoming) does not mean a total negation of competition and conflict. But what must be avoided is a unyielding mode of aggression which “never knows satisfaction.” The path of mutual becoming hopes that the dialectical tension produced out of mutual differences can become transformed, so that all sides come to understand that “if we do not co-exist together, then only mutual destruction that awaits.” With this realization, a process of mutual transformation can commence, which can lead to the perpetual protection of life to flourish.

Today, all under heaven, the climate has become unbalanced, the earth has become arid, life is dying, ethnicities are rife with conflict between one another, the gap between the wealthy and the poor widens…the strong bully the weak, while the strong battle with the strong. At this moment, we need more than ever an intellectual movement organized around the concept of “co-existence,” or “mutual co-becoming.” This is a movement that can utilize the “win-win” logic of a “game without end” to replace the “singular winner” of “a game with an end.” The former could be considered the kingly or sagely way, the later the way of the hegemon.

The Ministry of Education sponsored project “The Sino-Island: The Global Sinology Platform at Zhongshan” is not simply a public project in formalistic terms. It represents a sense of imagination and hope for the future. Its imaginative basis is grounded in developments around the notion of “mutual co-becoming,” which can serve as platform and bridge. With Taiwan’s humanistic local culture as the larger backdrop against which we conduct our work, and Kaoshiung’s oceanic port city as our homebase, we seek to on the one hand to produce “connected variations through the ancient and the modern,” re-evaluating classical Sinological resources, engaging with them deeply as tools to think with and respond to contemporary challenges. On the other hand, we seek to produced “connected variations between the Sino-cultural world and the West,” inviting Sinologists whose work intersects across various fields and cultures to converge within the space of our platform, working to develop the promise of what a “philosophy of co-becoming” could be. In this era of deep anxiety, we aim to speak of Taiwan as a “transcultural Sino-island,” giving full play to its soft cultural force, which is ever valuable, ever delicate.


tel. 07-525-2000#3087



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